Eight o'clock and we gather for teachers chapel. One teacher assigned for playground duty. The rest gathered around the table. Twenty minutes for devotions, sharing, and prayer. I have enjoyed the blessing of fellow teachers who are focusing on the same issues and struggles and who are together seeking God. 8:20 the bell rings. Kids scramble to their lines, assigned by grade. Shirts tucked. Shoes tied. Basketballs handed over to teachers. "Ms., I finished my homework." "Ms., Josiah stepped on my foot." "Do we have Language Arts test today?" Sometimes it takes long to quiet them, or get them in a straight line. Sometimes I send them running around the school for not obeying promptly. Then we file in. We have 10 minutes in our classroom before chapel. Pencils grind sharp. Books and papers are set in my desk to be scored from yesterday's homework. Assignments written on the board are copied into notebooks. Lunch is ordered....
Welcome to this space of thoughts and lessons. Enjoy reading, or feel free to move on as you wish. I cannot promise answers to all of life's questions in this space because only Christ can do that. But I simply share the things I've learned, or perhaps tried to learn, and thoughts I've had. My hope is that this blog can bring glory to God and perhaps nudge one person to be broken and poured out for Him. Enjoy!