Shouting, laughing, hurrying, the students piled into the three waiting vans. Windows slid open and eager faces peered out. Hands waved and shouts were exchanged until we were finally on our way for the first field trip of the year. We began winding our way up the island, past board shacks, elaborate mansions, tiny spice shops, Carib bars, and locals barbequing chicken. The children laughed and chattered in the back until we reached out first destination, Belmont Estate. It's a chocolate factory, beginning from the cocoa pod itself to the final product. It was an interesting process, which our guide explained well, even for the youngest students. Time and drying are crucial for good chocolate. And at the end, we ended in the factory where we were given samples of the chocolate. Belmont produces dark chocolate, and one of their flavors include different spices grown here in Grenada, including cinnamon and nutmeg. The students enjoyed the tour, especially t...
Welcome to this space of thoughts and lessons. Enjoy reading, or feel free to move on as you wish. I cannot promise answers to all of life's questions in this space because only Christ can do that. But I simply share the things I've learned, or perhaps tried to learn, and thoughts I've had. My hope is that this blog can bring glory to God and perhaps nudge one person to be broken and poured out for Him. Enjoy!