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Showing posts from September, 2020

Saturday Quiet

Dinghies bob in the Carnage. Reggae music throbs in the swaying bus. It's humid today, rain showers springing up, clouds hanging on the horizon. I look down on Grande Anse Beach as we pass. It's mostly empty, strange for this time of year in the Caribbean.  I signal to drop at the next stop and the bus pulls up by Grill Master. I hand the conducter my $2.50 and sling my bag over my shoulder. Crossing the road, I walk the quarter mile to Spiceland Mall, which is also home to IGA, our destination for Monday grocery runs.  I'm seeking quiet and alone. I know I can't find it quite like MN, where my only companions are the pines and songs of birds, but it's space away. The drink is cold, the mall A/C, and the people relatively quiet. It's good to get away. From school. From LaBorie. From those I'm normally with. And it's been a good first month back.