Last year I mourned Christmas passing me cheerfully by in Minnesota. I missed the snow and cold. I missed caroling where you weren't wearing flip flops. I missed the Christmas parade and our community Christmas supper. Christmas cookies, special time with family, the festive feeling in the cold air. Instead I had palm trees, a hot sun, and something that felt far from Christmas. This year I do not mourn my absence from Minnesota Christmas. Rather I mourn the absence of that Christmas, the long-held traditions that made it Christmas for me. It's bitter sweet. While it tugs to know that others are celebrating without me, the thought that those traditions aren't even taking place leaves me feeling empty. Thinking of lock downs and Covid leaves me feeling strangely stark and bare. Almost as if Christmas has been stripped away. We say we are celebrating the real meaning of Christmas, but are we as much as we think we are? When our cozy little safe places are stripped away, do ...
Welcome to this space of thoughts and lessons. Enjoy reading, or feel free to move on as you wish. I cannot promise answers to all of life's questions in this space because only Christ can do that. But I simply share the things I've learned, or perhaps tried to learn, and thoughts I've had. My hope is that this blog can bring glory to God and perhaps nudge one person to be broken and poured out for Him. Enjoy!