Personally, it was probably one of the most memorable family devotions of my childhood. Recently our family had been heavily involved with several very needy individuals. It was tiring. And frustrating. And hard. That night my dad came in carrying a bucket of snow. And in the snow he placed a handful of candles. "Imagine that each of these candles are people with needs," he said, naming several. "And they are outside in a blizzard. How much of yourself would you give to keep these candles lit, to help them love Jesus? Would you stay out there even though you were cold? Even though you were freezing? Would you protect these souls even though it cost you your life?" My life? I envisioned myself frozen stiff, huddled around a few struggling little lights. I didn't even enjoy helping these people, much less want to give my life to keep these candles burning. But experience has been teaching me that in order for a soul to remain burning, there must be w...
Welcome to this space of thoughts and lessons. Enjoy reading, or feel free to move on as you wish. I cannot promise answers to all of life's questions in this space because only Christ can do that. But I simply share the things I've learned, or perhaps tried to learn, and thoughts I've had. My hope is that this blog can bring glory to God and perhaps nudge one person to be broken and poured out for Him. Enjoy!