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Hello, and welcome to my blog. 
Personally, I think every blog should have a purpose. In saying that, then, what is the purpose of this blog? Why have I chosen to write? My first intentions were to have a place for creative writing, a place to make me develop any writing talent I may have. But secondly, and probably more important, is to perhaps share a few of the things I have learned, as simple or hard as they may be. So these posts at times will carry humorous experiences and light subjects. And other times they will carry sorrow and brutal honesty, for that's life. I do not blog to inform the world of my life. I do not write to enforce theology on anyone. Yet in writing there will be glimpses of parts of my life and examples of what I believe. I do not write to sugar-coat my life or explain away the hard things God has given me. I write to learn, and perhaps others can too. 
The title of this blog begs for a definition. It comes from Matthew 26:6-13 and Mark 14:3-11. A woman comes to Jesus with a box of precious ointment, and, breaking the box, pours it on His head, and in this act of worship pours out ointment worth a years wages. The disciples protest, seeing the legitimate needs of a hurting world around them and the potential this much money could have if given to the poor. "To what purpose is this waste?" they say. Yet Jesus replies simply, "She hath done what she could." And this "waste" was used in the greatest act of worship possible, anointing the Master. So my prayer is that this blog will ultimately point to Christ and ways to pour out our lives for Him. For nothing done in worship for Christ is ever wasted. What the disciples saw as a waste was the greatest form of worship. May my life be as this woman's alabaster box, broken, poured out, and empty, but for Him. Let my life not be wasted.
