"Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees."
Glances around the circle of disciples.
"Because we have no bread? Because of our physical need, this concern weighing on us for bread, for nourishment, for physical security?"
But Jesus.
"How do you not see? How do you not know?
"The breaking of bread, only five loaves, the feeding of thousands.
"This I did.
"The providing for of the physical.
"I will provide bread. Do not fret over that."
"But the leaven of the Pharisees. Sin. Attitudes. Pride. That beware of.
"This is not a warning to worry over the simple physical. To clutch and stress and worry over something so minute.
"But rather, I ask you to seek me. To, unlike the Pharisees, come to me with a heart empty of pride and self and stress, and know Me.
"Not to clutch at the physical bread. But to reach out and touch the real Bread.
"And as you touch, as you partake, to open your hand and release your gripping worry over life's circumstances."
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