The evening air blows cooler as the sun slides towards the horizon. The moderation in temperature is welcome, tho slight. Everything from the waving palms to the people walking the roads look relieved for the coolness. And I feel the same relief.
The days have been cooler now with the rain. It comes down in sheets, drenching any, even with an umbrella. The children come to school in hoodies and wet shoes and complain about the coldness. In reality it's still 75 or 80. Games are played indoors at recess, the rain driving hard against the roof, and sometimes dripping from leaks.
It's been good to be busy again. When I first arrived, time tended to drag. I had less to do, and I didn't know many people. But as I have gotten out in the community that has changed.
This past week has been particularly busy, with something scheduled every night. The days are filled with school and other duties, the evenings mostly with church or ministry oriented things. Other weeks our evenings are freer. Some of the things that fill our evenings are Girls Club here at our house, Senior and Junior Youth, which is activities at the church with the youth in the area, Cottage Meetings, which are church services at homes of elderly people, ladies Bible study, as well as a teachers meal one night a week, which is an opportunity for the single staff to spend time with the mission families.
School has been going relatively well. No matter where God has placed you, He gives you things to work on in the everyday. For teachers, as well as mom's, that often is patience in the incessant questions, love in the frustrations, and understanding for a child's heart. So I have nothing to say that other teachers haven't, no great words of wisdom, because many days I don't know, but as I teach, I hope that He will teach me. In the frustrations and the hard, He asks us to empty ourselves, empty what we think will save us the most, and be filled with Him.
He has been teaching me to listen to Him and His will for my time here.
In some ways life here is very different from home. Different people. Different culture. Different ways of travel. But in so many ways it's the same. There is still work to be done. There is still people to love, care, and pray for. There is still people who love Him and people who don't. There is still the seekers and the scoffers. And there is still God. He is the One we cling to.
What has He been teaching you?
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