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Looking over the first trimester of school, the days felt long, but the time was short. The tests, the work, the daily grind, it all felt so long in the midst, but it was gone quickly. And now, looking ahead, the time seems to be slipping through my fingers. It won’t be long until I board the plane to return home in July.

We had 3 eventful weeks of Christmas vacation. The first was filled with a Bible School for young people, which was located up the island. It was extremely refreshing and encouraging, and I came away with a better vision for what I should be doing here. For the next week and a half there were only two of us girls in the house, rather than 4, and the time was filled with wonderful variety. We hiked a mountain in the mud, cleaned, baked Christmas cookies, spent time with people, held an adorable new baby, and walked through the community to hand out cookie plates. It was relaxing and nice to have a change.

Christmas day we spent with some of the staff. It didn’t feel like Christmas, but it was a good day. We spent the morning and early afternoon at one of the mission houses, then went out by the ocean for a campfire supper.

 This week was the first week back in school. Sunday evening, Mr. Weaver, the principal, got a phone call, asking if a former student, a 5th grader, could transfer back into the school and if she could start Monday. She didn’t start Monday, but she did start Tuesday. This next month will hold some adjustments and challenges, but if God allowed it, He has a plan for it and can provide the grace needed.
What has God been teaching you?
