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Showing posts from June, 2020

Worship in the Waiting

I haven't written much in this space for the last 10 months since coming to Grenada, and I won't give an excuse either. I started my blog for a creative outlet and therefore don't let it dictate my life. While teaching school and engaging in busy mission life, I felt so often I didn't have the mental energy to write here. Then of course Covid changed everything and suddenly I was left with a lot of time, but feeling devoid of words. What to write, to say when the world is in such turmoil? When my world is in such turmoil. I was empty of inspiration. Life can change so quickly. Last week I was eagerly looking forward to a trip home. Now...only God knows. So I'm writing now. Not because I've suddenly become enlightened with wisdom, or even inspiration, but because it's time to write.  Worship in the Waiting  The clock ticks it's steady rhythm.  Seconds, minutes, hours.  The slow process of time.  For me right now, the v...