"I'm restless till I rest in You."
These are the lyrics from a song sung by Audrey Assad.
And it rings deep.
"I'm restless till I rest in You."
Life is busy. No matter where you find yourself.
Personally for myself, I find there's a certain business found on the mission field that is unique. Not that other seasons and times of life are not busy, but it's a different kind of busy. Often we come home from school, quick run a load of wash, throw together supper, and leave again for the evening.
If you are not drawing your strength from Christ, it becomes evident.
And your restless. Restless until you rest in Him. Many times it's not the rest of being completely alone, resting in body. Rather it's the choosing to be still and rest IN the busy. To allow your mind, your spirit, to be still even when around you there is business. Being still when you have a church activity, choosing not to allow school to stress you, enjoying the weekly grocery shopping trip. Taking the normal and living in rest.
It's something I'm learning. To recognize when I'm not drawing my strength from Him, and to rest in Him.
Because I'm restless till I rest in Him.
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