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Discerning His Will

Discerning the will of God is never a frantic, clutching, fearful demand. We should never approach Him demanding, "Show me Your will," as if He is only here to be swayed by man's demands or insecure fears.

His desire is never for us to arrive at His will in fear. Fear of man. Fear of circumstances. Fear of our own failings. But always in trust.

He wants us to come to Him with open hands.

"This, Father. Or this? What would you have me do? What would bring you the most glory?"

And if we walk in His ways, if we do the small obediences here, He will never leave us without His will. 

He will show us. He will not leave us without knowledge of what we ought to obey, then punish us for not obeying. Deep down, we must believe this. 

His will is arrived at in complete trust in His character. In faith that He will guide. In obedience to the calling.
