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The Bread of Life

"I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger...the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."

I am the bread. Eat of me.

The sustaining bread I call you to share is my flesh, my life laid down for the world. 

Eat of this death. My death. And your death. My death for sins. Your death to self.

Share what I have done for you, this bread, this death, and live.

Eat of me, and I will be everything you need.

Truly, life-sustaining bread.

Filling every hunger. Quenching every thirst.

As you continually eat of me, you will continually be filled, and never need hunger again. 

This is not a idealistic whim. It is not some mystical illusion. It's truth.

Obey Christ's call. Do your duty. Glorify your God. Die to self. Carry your cross. And you will be eating of His flesh, imitating His life. Not simply acknowledging Him, but obeying Him. Not looking at Christ, but being lost in Christ.

In a dying, glorifying, filling way.

Come to the table. And eat.
