There is no doubt God has the world's attention.
Every eye is glued to the development of Covid-19.
It's fingers have touched everyone, whether directly or indirectly.
For some it means being hospitalized, quarantined, and labored breath through a ventilator.
For others it means the inconvenience of limited movement, awkward grocery trips, and time off work.
For these people it means a lot of extra time..
Suddenly the web is full of things to do in quarantine, foods to make off pantry staples, and ways to keep yourself occupied without going insane.
It's been interesting observing the way people have been using their time.
There's a few different ways to view this time.
2. For the wasted men, drinking and smoking, they continue to do just that.
3. And how can I best use this time? What new thing can I learn? How can I better develop a skill? How can I bless others? How can I teach my children through this time?
Here's a few things I have been blessed by, either by seeing others do them or doing them myself.
*A mother teaching her preschooler to fry her own egg for breakfast.
* A mother entertaining restless girls by drawing pictures and writing cards for others.
* Thoroughly cleaning our house.
* Reading.
* Evening walks (we're still allowed out for exercise)
* Journaling
* Moments of hilarity when you're STILL stuck with the same people
* Parents pushing children on the swing
* Blizzards through the Dairy Queen drive-through, just because
* Having "church" via Zoom (check it out. It's pretty cool!)
* Online courses
* Making a photo book
* Singing happy birthday outside someone's house to make a little girl feel special.
* A video made for school students
How are you using this time?
* A video made for school students
How are you using this time?
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