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Peace in our Time

"Peace in our time," were Neville Chamberlain's words as he addressed English people, holding a peace agreement signed by Hitler. Peace because Hilter had promised not to invade Britain. 

But he did.

And that "peace" Neville Chamberlain promised was shattered.

We are not presently facing a war, but our world is in turmoil. 




We are looking for something to bring peace. And it won't be toilet paper.

In reality, should we be surprised at this disease? God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire. He struck down the Israelites worshiping the golden calf. Ananias and Sapphirah died for lying. Is the world at present any better then that? 

Should we as Christians be surprised that God is using a virus to call people to attention?

Yet uncertainty is not our happy place. We want to know what will happen. We want peace in our time.

Yet it is in moments like these that God offers peace if we take it. A peace that passes understanding. A peace that rules our hearts. A peace rooted and grounded in Him Who does not change.

And while the world rushes and panics and frets, we can rest. Not because things are perfect, but because we are resting in Him.

The world can be in chaos. Worry. Fear. Anxiety.

Yet in Christ we can say, "It is well with my soul."

And we can have peace.

Photo credits to Emily Martin
