Old and young we stand.
Hands reaching out to clasp our brother's.
The work-worn grasping the child's,
Circling the high-ceiling sanctuary of our little church,
We join as brotherhood.
And we sing,
"Bind Us Together."
Something my grandpa started,
That is now a precious tradition.
I remember the time when, hands joined, we reached 'round the whole auditorium,
And now our little group only completes half.
But it is a godly group,
Filled with those seeking His will.
I remember singing, hands joined, looking across the circle at my best friend's dad.
Who, not long after, died young from heart failure,
Leaving a young widow with 3 daughters and a son on the way.
I remember singing after sweet communions, and after my baptism.
And I remember the time when I could hardly sing for the tears.
It is not mere form,
Or a required rite.
It is a demonstration of love,
And care,
And care,
And brotherhood.
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