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This too for His Glory

He wants me to live in joy.

The fact that where I am may be hard does not limit God from offering the choice of joy in that hard place.

"Glorify Me, and walk in joy."

I can see a mother and wife turning her little bits of service into beauty and glory, but me? In my black, dusted in chicken breading, headset firmly planted, smelling of grease, peering out of tired eyes. Me bring glory? There are times I struggle to see the practical giving of glory in this. 

But truly, He wants me to do this too for His glory. To whirl smooth shakes, sometimes in frantic haste. To scoop endless fries. To pour steaming coffee, and graciously clean up the mess made by fumbling, aged hands. To make one more burger, and then another, and then..... To struggle through my last till of the night and drop a wad of cash in the night deposit at 10:30. To smile at the person reeking in their stench. To love that one in rebellion under me. To ask the rejected coworker about her interests. To discuss situations relevant to another's life. To care about the frustrating newbie. 

All for His glory. All given in sacrifice in joy.

For giving glory is not dependent on outward circumstances. It's based upon the reaction to those circumstances.

This too can be done for His glory, and because of that, there can be joy and purpose in the grease.

So that when they ask, I can say, "He is the reason."
