This is for me, evidencing my failings. So if anyone sees themselves in this, you are not alone.
We are a brotherhood.
We are called to labor together,
At times until the point of exhaustion.
And it's at that point I want to lay down my head and weep.
Simply because I'm so tired.
And in that moment of tiredness I am tempted,
To look at my brother or sister,
And wonder why I am doing so much,
And they seemingly so little.
I am tempted to assume I know the weights of their lives,
To think I know better what they should be doing.
And I am tempted to grow bitter, to grow proud, to grow self-sufficient.
Because it seems I am doing everything,
And my brother nothing.
But that is my sin.
For the Father does not call me to oversee my brother.
He does not call me to manage everyone's activities in church.
He calls me to obey.
To serve.
To love my brother.
At times to the point of exhaustion.
Because there are times I truly do not know the weights my brother carries.
Where was I when they were crying in exhaustion?
Where was I when they were carrying a load too heavy?
Was I there to pick up their burden?
Was I willing to help?
So, Father, help me to reach across misunderstandings,
To put aside my false assumptions,
To forget about myself
And pick up the load of my brother.
So together we can walk on.
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