They toiled in the sea. Heads bent. Sweat trickling. Lungs aching. Rowing. Forever rowing. If only to reach the land. Then the cry of one at a sight. That of something moving upon the surface of the water. Advancing towards them. "A spirit." Fear shivered. Terror chocked. Defenselessness mocked. Nothing to save. No hope for the stable. Grasping for the rational. Then a voice, Known so well. "Be of good cheer! "It is I. "Be not afraid." A collective gasp of relief. Terror and panic melting. The thing they feared the most was but the Master. The storm, a gift of mercy. The tumult, a touch of grace. The fear, unfounded. It was only Christ. And all was well on the sea.
Welcome to this space of thoughts and lessons. Enjoy reading, or feel free to move on as you wish. I cannot promise answers to all of life's questions in this space because only Christ can do that. But I simply share the things I've learned, or perhaps tried to learn, and thoughts I've had. My hope is that this blog can bring glory to God and perhaps nudge one person to be broken and poured out for Him. Enjoy!