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Fire of the Notre Dame Cathedral

                                                                                                                                               Photo by Bethany Beck on Unsplash

Typically I don't write about world happenings and events. Rather, I try to focus on being faithful where I am, now, finding that challenging enough. However, the tragic fire of the Notre Dame Cathedral touched me; watching the flaming steeple topple, listening to the haunting songs sung by the grieving people of France, seeing the beautiful interior that is now smoke blackened and hazy. So I write.

The way this fire gripped me surprised even myself. A man-made structure, Catholic at that, and having no spiritual value, yet tugging at my heart. Is the Notre Dame Cathedral and other similar structures significant, or are they merely sensual? Is my grief at the destruction of such a thing of beauty unmerited and unnecessary as I view life from the standpoint of a Christian? After all, this earth will be destroyed, including all of man's beautiful accomplishments, in order for Christ to establish His kingdom without end. A kingdom that is of infinite more value, significance, and beauty than anything on the earth. Is it sensual of me to grieve over a loss like this?

I contemplated these thoughts. My spirit said no. It was not sensual to grieve over this beautiful place destroyed. But I did not know why. Why do I feel that beautiful structures made by men are significant?

After much thought, I believe I found the answer. Or if not the answer, then merely an interesting thought. Ultimately, the Notre Dame Cathedral points to God. Not the structure itself or the reason for building it. But the fact that human minds can imagine and create such things of intricate detail and beauty. The fact that man cajn think through and build something that is so geometrical, detailed, and yet lasting shows that man has the ability to think and reason. Where did that ability come from? Surely not from apes. Only from God.

So when I stand and look at the accomplishments of man, I see beyond the structure itself to a Creator Who created those who create. And I marvel.

And grieve the destruction of the Notre Dame Cathedral. 
