Children, crying out in agony,
Bruised, broken, tormented.
Haunted eyes, crushed souls,
And we cry out,
"Oh God, have mercy."
Then to our surprise, He makes us the vessels of that mercy.
He gives us these broken children.
And what we find covering the violent hurt,
Is bellowing anger,
Blantant disobedience,
Frustrating behaviour.
We prayed that God would show them love.
Yet our sincerity is tested when God says,
"Will you?"
Our dedication evident,
Our dedication evident,
When our lives are riped apart and chaotic,
To make room in our homes for the broken.
"You say you ache for the broken,
Now show Me you truly care."
It becomes much more real.
Much more sacrificial.
It's no longer idealistic,
No longer simply a nice idea.
No longer simply a nice idea.
It's an aching, giving, hard love.
And He wants us to be that vessel.
When God takes that child,
And places her in your family,
And says, "Will you take her as your sister?"
Then you truly know,
If you care for the broken.
When God takes that child,
And places her in your family,
And says, "Will you take her as your sister?"
Then you truly know,
If you care for the broken.
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