She came with her box of spikenard and, without reservation, poured it all on the Master.
In this pouring out, was good stewardship considered? Was it used wisely? The disciples didn't think so. "Why was this waste of the ointment made?"
They couldn't see.
Nothing done for God's glory is a waste. This pouring out, it was the best way to use this precious ointment because it was used for God. It was good stewardship because it brought the most glory to God.
Nothing done for God's glory is a waste. This pouring out, it was the best way to use this precious ointment because it was used for God. It was good stewardship because it brought the most glory to God.
The monetary expense was irrelevant as the ointment was poured out. The goal was worship, and the object was attained.
Christ was of that much value to her, that the cost of pouring out was irrelevant.
And that is worship.
Worship can not be measured. It's simply given.
Worship is not accomplished. It's a lifestyle.
Worship is not accomplished. It's a lifestyle.
All of life should be worship. Anything, done out of obedience, submission, and love for Him, is worship.
Hanging laundry, done for God, is worship. Teaching VBS, done for God, is worship. Doing your best in school, done for God, is worship.
There is so much hope. For we do not need silence and deep concentration to worship. We need a focus on doing everything in every situation for Him. Responding to everything for Him.
That is worship.
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