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Of Builders and Cooks

There is the careful design that a builder knows. The perfect angles. The straight lines. The detailed thought and preparation.

The thoughtful builder’s mind thinks of the need. How can this best fit this person’s necessities? How can I bless this person with the gift of my labor? How can I do the most good?
And he does. Careful skill erecting shelters from the elements. Talent designing a wheelchair ramp. Practiced hand creating from raw material.

Likewise, there is the thoughtful making of that which nourishes. Carefully measuring. Jiving spices. Intuitive salting. Mental labor and precision to bless those that partake.

There are times when mashed potatoes, dreamed to be smooth and fluffy, are only chunks of hard in a soupy mess. There are times when the delicious sweet bread, carefully labored over, turns out half done, dumping raw dough. There are times the cook must laugh, or die in embarrassment.

But the thoughtful cook thinks of those she serves. The nourishing for the work. The moralizing for tasks. The crafting of special occasions. Given as a gift. Worked at to perfect. Laughing at that which fails.

Builders and cooks. Both blessing in their labors.
