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On Stewardship


Sometimes seen as the careful hoarding of money. Or if not money, than time, talent, or commodities. The preserving, keeping, storing for later use, for future necessities.

But what if that definition, so often assumed, is a narrow, limiting, un-Godlike view of stewardship? When the best deal is attained, but at the expense of another. When the haggard waitress is given a smaller tip because, what if she uses it for cigarettes, (gasp) yet goes home, once again discouraged. When a gift is bought at a cheaper price, but the recipient wonders at the sincerity. What if this is not stewardship at all? 

The buying of ice cream, money hard earned and fast disappearing, but the ice cream providing laughter and time together. The bouquet of flowers, bought at the florist rather than the grocery store, costing twice the amount, but showing more care. The thoughtful gift of coffee beans for the coffee lover, rather than a $1.99 candy bar. The giving of time to make a meal for another rather than reading a thought-provoking book. What if this is true stewardship? 

Stewardship is using what God has given me for His fullest glory. 

Spending $30 instead of $15 because I know it will show more care, more love, give Him more glory. Or perhaps, when that extra penny is not there, to give that 2 hours at a neighbors rather than a brief prayer, "Father, bless her today." Or giving of talents with no reimbursement, but given as a gift. This is stewardship.

Stewardship is not defined as a large bank account. Neither is it defined as a small one. It's living faithful to what God has called me to. To give what He has laid on my heart. Out of my abundance. Or out of my want. Listening, ever attentive to His voice. Hearing when He says, "Pay for their meal. Bless that mom with bread. Give to this struggling missionary. Spend time reading with your children." All of this, stewardship. 

When money is hoarded, when time is preserved, when talents are carefully kept, then stewardship is thwarted.

But when God is glorified with how I live my life, the whole of it, whether money or time or whatever He has entrusted me with, that is stewardship.

For life is never wasted when given for His glory. Tasks never squandered when done for Him. Money always spent wisely when attentive to His will.

Me listening for His voice. Him glorified. 
