Adoption. Many envision it as a beautiful, idealistic thing. And it is beautiful. It’s the lonely, hurting child finally finding a family. But it's not idealistic.
In reality, adoption is a hard walk both for the family and for the
child. Even though the child is placed in a better home, they still long for their real family, their blood kin. Adoption is not what I envisioned it would be.
But slowly God is changing my perspective of adoption. He’s
showing me what it was like for Him to adopt me. I was not part of His family.
I didn’t even remotely belong. I was enstranged and repulsive to the holiness
of God.
Yet He freely offers adoption. “I want you to be my child,”
He says. It’s such a beautiful paradox, a holy God, undgrudgingly offers a
sinner a place in His family. This is what adoption means.
It’s taking someone who does not belong, who is a complete
stranger, who looks at life differently and has a different background. And it’s
making them one with you, part of the family, forever belonging. Truly belonging.
It takes sacrifice, but so did our adoption. It took a Man
suspended in agony on a cross. It took a great Love to accept me into His
Can I expect to give any less?
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