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The Lesson of the Candles Part 2

In talking with one of my aunts, she pointed out another dimension to the lesson of the candles. So thank you, dear aunt, for this inspiration.

It’s another candle in the blowing cold,

Another light flickering in the wind.

Will it burn?

Will it glow warmly?

Or will it die?

And this time, the candle is me.

The wind is at times brutal.

The world, so cold.

My flame, flickering, struggling,

Striving to burn brightly, yet at times only succeeding weakly.

Yet protecting the flame is an all-wise High Priest,

Interceding, pleading my case to the Father.

And He has His all-powerful hands cupped around my struggling flame.

There are days I plead,

“Oh please keep my flame lit.”

There are days it seems it will go out.

Yet there is Christ, ever faithful, protecting my candle.

But for Him, my candle would be cold.
