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Living He Loved Me

Many of you may be familiar with Casting Crowns arrangement of this song. However, this song was originally written by a man named John Wilbur Chapman who was an evangelist during the 19th century. If you look in hymn books, you can find the original tune and the remaining words to this moving song, and perhaps if you look in your library you may find a book about this dedicated man.

"One day when Heaven was filled with His praises."

He was in a place of incomprehensible beauty,

Unfathomable for the minds of human beings.

And all around Him He was worshiped and adored.

"One day when sin was as black as could be."

Humanity was writhing in anguish as sin held it in captivity.

Saints and sinners alike cried out for deliverance.

Who could save?

Who could deliver?

"Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin."

Holy God came as tiny babe.

How? It's incomprehensible to human mind.

A holy God, coming as a child into a sin-filled world.

"Dwelt among man, my example is He."

He isn't a God far off.

He is nigh. He knows. He felt. He sees.

"Word became flesh and the light shined among us,

My Example is He."

The Light came.

An explosion of hope to a sin-drenched world.

And He, the perfect Example.

"Living, He loved me.

Dying, He saved me."

He not only came to die,

He came to live among us,

To show us, to be our perfect Example.

Then He died.

And all of Heaven was in anguish.

"Buried, He carried my sins far away.

"Rising He justified, freely forever."

He knows death.

He died. But He conquered death,

And we no longer have to fear.

Rising, He made a perfect way to redeem imperfect man.

"One day He's coming,

"Oh glorious day."

And every eye shall see Him.

And we can worship Him for the amazing gift of salvation.

Yet we will never be able to repay Him.

He came. He lived. He died.

And we can't reimburse such a holy act.

It's a gift.

It's salvation.
