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More thoughts on Candles

I keep coming back to the subject of these candles, so I apologize if you tire of it. It has opened my eyes to the mercy of God that my candle is even lit.

We went caroling last week in our local town. Rough looking trailer houses, dark entryways, druggies, emotional wreaks, children barefoot in the cold, and suddenly I saw myself starkly in comparison with these people. All my life I've been sheltered. Surrounding me are people who have invested in my life to keep my candle burning. I've been loved, cared for, directed; given this gift of a Christian home by God's abundant mercy.

But these people, they don't have that gift. They're hard and haggard, some of them are druggies or alcoholics. And the children, my heart cries out for them. Eager faces peering at us as we sing, excitedly reaching for the plate of cookies we offer, living in such a dark world. What about their candles? How can it be fair that I was so protected, and they so abused?

And sitting in my warm safe environment, I try to put their lives in a package, try to create a formula to help them know Jesus. But there is no formula. They are desperate, and needy, and broken, yet they do not know it. They are living in a dark world, yet can't understand that.

I no longer can judge why they don't accept Christ or see their need of God. I can only reach out in a hurting, aching love for them, and cry out to God that their candles will be lit.
